Monday, November 15, 2010

Closing Prose

11:34p.  Hating technology, at this curve.  Loved the Cab Franc earlier this evening at Monti’s, however.  Discovery is a primary infusion in this vinoLit Life.  Not excited about the morrow, as I have to scoot to Solano.  Currently, listening to the anesthetizing arrangements through speakers.  Pairing perfectly with this Sangio.  Time passing mercilessly.  Why does it dislike me, we?  Reading he poetry I scribed in the yester.  Again, pushed to pursue poetic.  What other stretches await?  Enthralling to anticipate.  
Mike thought of her thinking of him thinking of her.  He was entangled.  Mind split, in the time blip.  He thought of other ways to approach her, the character.  But he didn’t like thinking of her like that.  She, more.  He, tore.
The poetry dispersed from his ink like frightened cattle.  Mike enjoyed the sitting like few he had previously.  Around the corner, fortune, he was sure.  Kelly would wait, he hoped.  Where was she tonight? 
 (Sunday, 11/14/2010)

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