First day of this burgeoning project, I wake in an acidic mood. Big surprise, Mike in a mood, right? But then, I looked through some old pics I snapped of my favorite of valleys and decided I’m whipping the Self from this metaphysical sewage right now. As I drove north on a nearly desolate 101, I sipped the morning mocha. A little better. Only seconds after taking the much awaited Dry Creek exit, I see endless invitation for more to inject into my camera’s already overwhelmed memory, but all these scenes are on my left. I have to turn around at some point.
I take a left, turn around on a street whose name now evades. As I head back in 101’s direction, I find it cruel to concentrate, so I pull over.
Click, click. A couple cars honk at me. Why? My E lights are obvious, I think. Carefully sliding back in the coddling cabin of my Scion, I wonder if I should look for a winery to feature in the first installation of my episodic Dry Creek ode. Then I see Wilson. I’ll admit, I pull in some fast, the excitement, but I settle once stopped. Poised.
The parking lot has a view of vineyards that any valley’s winery would applaud.
The parking lot has a view of vineyards that any valley’s winery would applaud.
Incredible. Fruit, chewiness, chalk and pepper, with a slight floral blanket stretching from nose to mid-palate’s end. Had to get a bottle. I did. Jean then told me that Wilson has a 6-8p event every Friday, dubbed “Finally Fridays.” Sounds like just what I need right now, what we all need at the end of a week, certainly a turbulent one.
I drove away from Wilson, and its hosting valley wondering where this love affair, this escapade in oenophilia was going. Is this a committed project, or an intermittent and scattered crossing? Why do I need to know now, at all? See where it me strings.
Now, here in my home office, I stare at the pictures and grin wildly. My internal knot, untangled. What should I pair this Wilson Zin with? Why do I have to pair it at all? Wine from my amorous valley doesn’t need the crutch of food. I’ll open it later. Like around 6p. New Zin time of mine, to put me in the refined kind of mind, to enjoy wondrous wine. Sip, sip...
Had to take a little video before I left. Salut'!
(Sunday, 7/11/10)
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