Saturday, May 21, 2011

Back from the first run in months.  Slightly depleted, but not exceedingly.  Tonight, in studio till emptiness be this scribe.  The vineyards today, had me re-thinking all I was thinking.  Tonight’s Cab, the bottle I bring to Mom and Dad’s, sure to push afflatus.  Who knows how much wine-intwined lines I’ll scribble.  This weather also encourages.  No end, today.  Not for me.
Feel like checking out M.F.A. programs.  But how would I ever fit that in?  One day, I will again matriculate, add additional degree, degrees.  Need to continue with the studies.  Maybe I’ll enroll in a wine appreciation class, something wine-connected.  The vines me remind.  So I rewind in kind, another varietal find.

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